Start your acting career
in film & tv
VAD Arts is a fully accredited school
that trains actors in Victoria BC
Now is the Moment,
VAD Arts is the Destination.
Film School & Acting Classes in Victoria BC
We train actors for film & TV. Our acting classes are offered through full-time and part-time programs in beautiful downtown Victoria.
This Is Where You Belong.
Our Acting for Film & TV Career Training Program is a full-time, 8-month intensive acting development program fully designated by the provincial and federal governments, and is StudentAid BC approved. You receive rigorous training that will prepare you for the camera and the stage. Graduate with a diploma, professional headshot, demo reel, CV, and the skills and confidence to launch your professional acting career in film, television, or theatre.
There is a huge interest and demand for film actors in BC — film production is at an all-time high. With VADArt’s excellent reputation, strong curriculum and experienced faculty, your future in film and TV looks bright.
Ask Us About Career Training
We’re happy to answer any questions you have about VADArts or provide more information about our classes.